Monday, August 29, 2011

On the Road Again-OSU Football

Hi to all my Alabama friends,

Dodie, Lori and I are on our way to explore THE Ohio State University. As you can see, I am back in my seatbelt. We are headed to the 'Shoe. The 'Shoe (or Horseshoe) is where the Ohio State football team plays football.  The team is called the "Buckeyes" after the state tree. This city is pretty crazy about Buckeyes Football.

There is a strange thing that happens here. People yell out the letters O H. If you are an Ohio State Buckeyes fan, you know what comes next. (If Phoebe's dad were here now, he would know he should yell I O!)
The fans also spell OHIO with their arms. If you use your imagination, you can see OHIO. These people spelled it at a wedding. I told you these fans are "nuts." (We have no idea who these people are-it is a bride and her three brothers.)

And we found this one too. Who knew I had been in Columbus before?

Here I am hanging on the fence in front of the stadium.  You can see the Block O.  It looks like a heavenly place doesn't it? (Some guy was in front of the stadium watching me get my picture taken. He told Dodie he knew me. He said his friend had taken me to England. I actually saw the queen!)

You can see the Block O window from the inside of the stadium.

This is a view of the stadium from the air. It was taken from the Goodyear Blimp that flies over every game.  Goodyear Tire and Rubber Factory was founded  in Akron, Ohio. I didn't realize so many cool things started in Ohio.

Ohio State's Marching band is famous for "Script Ohio". They march and spell Ohio. I found a picture of it for you. The Band is also known as TBDBITL-It means The Best Darn Band in the Land. As you may guess, the Buckeye team colors are Scarlet and Gray. Look at all the red in the Stadium. The I in Script Ohio is dotted by a tuba player. It is an honor to "dot the eye." I wish my arms and legs were strong enough so I could hold the tuba, march out into the field and dot the eye!

I found out today that "Hang on Sloopy" is Ohio's official state rock song. Dodie thinks the song is kind of dumb. I have to agree with her now that I have heard it. TBDBITL plays it a lot and the Buckeye fans sing along. I think it would make me crazy to listen to that song so often. Here's the link-see what you think about it.

Dodie tells me this guy is probably the most famous Buckeye football player. His name is Archie Griffin and he works at OSU. Archie is the only player ever who has been awarded the Heisman trophy more than once. He must be a really good player. (A Heisman trophy is given to the most outstanding college football player each year).  

Buckeye fans are pretty crazy. They even collect Buckeye nuts from the Buckeye tree and make them into necklaces. They wear them to the football games for good luck.  The Buckeyes need some good luck these days.

Go Bucks!

Your friend,
Flat Stanley

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