Saturday, August 27, 2011

Flat Stanley arrives in Ohio

Hello to all my Alabama friends,
I made it to the mailbox of Phoebe's cousin. Her name is Dodie. She quickly removed me from that stuffy envelope. I was glad to stretch my arms and legs. My right arm was a little bent, so she added some tape on the back and I'm as good as new. I was really tired, so I just wanted to relax. It was a really sunny and breezy day, so we went outside to the backyard. Here I am, relaxing in Dodie's back yard. I'll be ready for some fun in Columbus tomorrow after I get a good night's rest.
Flat Stanley

1 comment:

  1. Glad you survived your journey Flat Stanley! It looks like your are enjoying your sunny Ohio day! I'm sure Dodie will show you a great time!
